Boot Analysis of SophOS SafeGuard Enterprise 7.0
In this article we’re tracing the bootup sequence of the Sophos SafeGuard Enteprise disk encryption product, the perspective taken is that if I were to use this product would it be prevent evil-maid attacks and be resiliant to key extraction and reverse engineering.
Aside from doing something silly like keeping your username and password on a post-it note on your laptop, using BitLocker encryption on Windows is usually enough to prevent cold-boot attacks as long as there is a hardware assisted security module, like the TPM, which can store keys and serve as the root and enforcer for the chain of trust. Because of the wide proliferation of BitLocker there has been a lot of good independent research leading, sometimes leading to novel discoveries to extract encryption keys can be extracted from an otherwise inpenetrable powered-on computer via direct memory access (rogue firewire or PCI bus device, liquid nitrogen etc.).
However, SafeGuard and Windows 7 doesn’t use BitLocker when you use the default settings:
Under Windows 7 (BIOS) ADDLOCAL=ALL installs the SafeGuard volume-based encryption and all other available features. Under Windows 8 ADDLOCAL=ALL installs BitLocker support and all other available features.
After securely encrypting a laptop with their product I find that it might not be using BitLocker and there aren’t any publicly available studies of SafeGuard disk encryption to give me that warm fuzzy feeling knowing my data is probably safe. It can even be configured to boot up until the Windows login screen without any interaction - which is commonly used to make the encryption and security seamless.
Personally I think the notion of an encrypted laptop which powers-on and boots the OS without needing an extra token or password to decrypt data is very dangerous if the attacker has enough resources and/or uber geek skills, but a large number of companies and individuals feel the level of security it provides is adequate protection against leaking data at rest.
Anyway, what does the laptop do when you turn it on?
- Bios
- Sophos Boot Loader
- 640x480 white screen
- then a few shades of grey
- 1024x768 black screen
- then a cursor + sophos safeguard logo
- dialog box saying ‘Auto-Login’, looks like Qt
- white screen + cursor
- Windows boot loader
- Login screen …
If the disk image is booted under both qemu-system-x86_64 and VirtualBox windows blue-screens early in the boot-up process - but by reaching that important step it means that it’s able to load the Windows bootloader from what was an otherwise encrypted disk, and from that I initially guessed the Sophos software is doing some kinda decryption with keys stored on-disk albeit in an obfuscated fashion.
Qemu + pmemsave + binwalk
There are two techniques I could use to find out what’s going on in the Sophos boot loader, stepping through the boot process is very time consuming with current tools (but Panda may speed that up soon) and isn’t very good getting an overview of the system in a running state, the other is dumping physical memory while it runs inside Qemu and analysing it with various tools.
When using qemu-system-i386 the system conveniently hangs when it tries to switch to x86_64 mode, acting as a natural breakpoint - by ths time the ‘auto-login’ screen has already disappeared and I thought the hang may even be caused by the Windows boot loader.
To discover of what going on in each of the stages a full physical memory dump was saved whenever the stage of the VM appeared to change, providing a series of convenient snapshots that can be diffed and analyzed.
$ qemu-system-i386 -enable-kvm -m 512 -monitor telnet:,server,nowait disk-sda.raw &
$ telnet 1234
(qemu) stop
(qemu) pmemsave 0 536870912 stage-1.pmemdump
(qemu) cont
(qemu) stop
(qemu) pmemsave 0 536870912 stage-2.pmemdump
A few very interesting things were found from the inital memory dumps:
Utimaco is referenced very early on in the boot sequence, they are a provider of encryption software and HSMs whos software arm was acquired by Sophos in 2009.
The Sophos boot stage appears to be a FreeBSD 6.1 kernel from 2006, there’s also a local root privilege escalation on exploit-db.com.
(May 5 22:16:40 utimaco syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel.ko
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: Copyright (c) 1992-2006 The FreeBSD Project.
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #1: Tue Jun 9 00:38:58 CEST 2015
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: root@at097vm020b081.green.sophos:/root/ps/BCM/SGN7SR/freebsd/sgm_kernel_61/sw/kernel/obj/PHOENIX
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.4.0 (2009.15-MHz 686-class CPU)
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x663 Stepping = 3
May 5 22:16:40 utimaco kernel: Features=0x781abfd<FPU,DE,PSE,TSC,MSR,PAE,MCE,CX8,APIC,SEP,PGE,CMOV,PAT,MMX,FXSR,SSE,SSE2>
Further investigation with binwalk
found signatures of a YAFFS and Minix root filesystem, as well as software and library paths etc.:
171419 0x29D9B Unix path: /freebsd/sgm_kernel_61/sw/boot/i386/loader/../../common/module.c
4221343 0x40699F mcrypt 2.2 encrypted data, algorithm: blowfish-448, mode: CBC, keymode: 8bit
7908258 0x78ABA2 Minix filesystem, V1, big endian, 30 char names, 0 zones
11011580 0xA805FC YAFFS filesystem
Also found after further analysis with hex workshop and strings
were suspicious looking repeating strings and references to SecureString C++ symbols, could it be that these are deliberately zeroed out memory? To find out deeper digging will be needed, like trapping on memory read & write access.
Because multiple snapshots were saved the output of binwalk can provide insight into what has been loaded into the filesystem cache or resides in memory as part of a running process, relying on signature detection alone allows the system to be mapped out without having to extract the filesystems or running code inside the OS.
One downside to using binwalk on raw memory dumps is we’re looking at the physical layout rather than the virtual, and the kernel and user-land memory allocators don’t necessarily order things in linear contiguous chunks, but the lack of FreeBSD support in tools like Rekall or Volatility means there are no easy or automatic tools to analyse structures.
Tools used:
Following the MBR sequence
So far I’ve been unable to extract the Minix or YAFFS filesystems from the memory dump of a live instance using binwalk, they’re most likely wrongly identified signatures from high-entropy, so an alternate route is to trace the boot sequence to identify the locations of everything being loaded from disk and the location and order which data is loaded into memory.
file included in the version of Sophos SafeGuard downloaded matches the MBR of the laptop disk disk. The first stage of the MBR is loaded into 0x7C00 by the Bochs BIOS and then executed, it functions equivalently to the Windows7 MBR except it uses a trick to make it position independent.
1st Stage
seg000:7C08 mov ax, 0F00h
seg000:7C0B mov ss, ax ; Stack segment
seg000:7C0D assume ss:nothing
seg000:7C0D mov sp, 0FFEh ; Base of stack
seg000:7C10 sti ; enable interrupts
seg000:7C11 cld ; clear direction
seg000:7C12 call $+3 ; Call to next instruction
seg000:7C15 pop dx ; DX is now IP
seg000:7C16 sub dx, 15h ; DX=7c00
seg000:7C1A mov bx, cs ; BX=0
seg000:7C1C shr dx, 4 ; DX=07c0
seg000:7C1F add dx, bx
seg000:7C21 mov ds, dx ; DS=07c0
seg000:7C23 push ax ; AX=0f00 - Segment for jmp
seg000:7C24 mov es, ax ; ES=0f00
seg000:7C26 push 0E0h ; Offset for jmp
seg000:7C29 xor si, si ; SI=0
seg000:7C2B mov di, si ; DI=0
seg000:7C2D mov cx, 100h ; 512 bytes
; At this point ES=0f00, DI=0, DS=07c0, SI=0
; ... so move 512 bytes to f000 from 7c00
seg000:7C30 rep movsw word ptr es:[di], word ptr ds:[si]
seg000:7C32 retf ; jmp to 0F00:00E0 (0xF0E0)
2nd Stage
The second stage of the MBR can be extracted and disassembled:
$ dd if=SafeGuard/SGBEMBR.BIN count=512 bs=1 skip=224 of=MBR2-stage2.bin
$ ndisasm -o 0xF000 MBR2-stage2.bin | less
It performs 3 disk sector reads using INT 13 extended read extension 42h
which takes a disk packet from DS:SI (at DS:00B8
) which is:
- blocks to transfer WORD (0x10) - 5kb
- transfer buffer DWORD (0x7C00)
- starting absolute block number (0x3EBD320, about 31gb into the disk)
Address Reference:
- ds:0B6h - previously discovered drive ID
- ds:0B7h - sectors to read?
- ds:0B8h - Packet address
- ds:0BAh - sectors to read
- ds:0BCh - segment:offset pointer to the memory buffer to which sectors will be transferred
- ds:0BEh - ?? it’s 0…
- ds:0D0h - absolute number of the start of the sectors to be read (1st sector of drive has number 0)
seg000:F108 mov ah, 42h
seg000:F10A mov dl, ds:0B6h ; Previously discovered drive (0)
seg000:F10E mov si, 0B8h ; What is SI??
seg000:F111 jmp short ReadSectors
seg000:F14C ReadSectors: ; CODE XREF: sub_F0E0+31
seg000:F14C mov di, 3 ; Total number of sectors
seg000:F14F SectorReadLoop: ; CODE XREF: sub_F0E0+82
seg000:F14F mov al, ds:0B7h ; AL=01, sectors to read
seg000:F152 mov ds:0BAh, al
seg000:F155 pusha ; DH=8 (in Bochs anyway)
seg000:F156 int 13h ; DISK - READ SECTORS INTO MEMORY
seg000:F156 ; AL = number of sectors to read, CH = track, CL = sector
seg000:F156 ; DH = head, DL = drive, ES:BX -> buffer to fill
seg000:F156 ; Return: CF set on error, AH = status, AL = number of sectors read
seg000:F158 popa
seg000:F159 jnb short OkFinished
seg000:F15B pusha
seg000:F15C xor ah, ah
seg000:F15E int 13h ; DISK - RESET DISK SYSTEM
seg000:F15E ; DL = drive (if bit 7 is set both hard disks and floppy disks reset)
seg000:F160 popa
seg000:F161 dec di ; DI = Sector count
seg000:F162 jnz short SectorReadLoop
seg000:F164 OkFinished: ; CODE XREF: sub_F0E0+3B
seg000:F164 mov si, 3Fh
seg000:F167 xor al, al
seg000:F169 jmp near ptr 0F080h ; Fail pathway
Afterwards the command jumps back to 0:07c00, putting a breakpoint at 0x07c00 shows it gets hit twice as control gets passed from the MBR to the code loaded from the disk. If 6 bytes at the end of the sector match hard-coded magic values it will jump to an alternate pathway which was left unexplored.
seg000:F16C OkFinished: ; CODE XREF: sub_F0E0+79
seg000:F16C push ax ; save for later
seg000:F16D push es
seg000:F16E push di
seg000:F16F mov ax, ds:0BEh ; AX=0
seg000:F172 mov es, ax ; ES=0
seg000:F174 mov ax, ds:0BCh ; segment:offset pointer dword (0x7c00)
seg000:F177 mov di, ax ; ES:DI = 0:7c00
; What are these values (0C350h & 0AA55h) exactly?
seg000:F179 cmp dword ptr es:[di+1FAh], 0C350h
seg000:F183 jnz near ptr 0F097h ; Alternate path
seg000:F187 cmp word ptr es:[di+1FEh], 0AA55h
seg000:F18E jnz near ptr 0F097h ; Fail pathway
seg000:F192 pop di
seg000:F193 pop es
seg000:F194 pop ax
seg000:F195 jmp dword ptr ds:0BCh ; (to 7c00)
- Chapter 2, The x86 Microprocessor & its Architecture
- X86 Assembly/Data Transfer
- 8.13. Using Bochs internal debugger
- Pathways through the Windows 7 MBR
- IBM/MS INT 13 Extensions - EXTENDED READ
The Disk Boot Loader (3rd stage)
After finding out the location of the next bootloader on disk it can be extracted directly with dd
, the result can be disassembled to verify you have the correct position by comparing it to the mnemonic window in the Bochs debugger. Breaking at 0x7c3e will only be triggered by this stage.
$ dd if=sda.raw bs=512 skip=65786656 count=48 of=third-stage.raw
$ ndisasm -o 0x7c00 third-stage.raw | less
The previous stage had loaded a number of sectors into memory, at the start is another short boot loader followed by 9728 bytes obfuscated code which is decrypted before jumping to it. At this point I was getting bored of the multiple boot loader stages, but finding the boot loader is relying on security through obscrutity has given me new hope of finding keys of some sort, the boot process is still in real-mode at this point.
seg000:7C8B mov cx, 1300h ; 4864 words
seg000:7C91 mov si, B400h ; Data copied from B400
seg000:7C97 mov di, 8E00h ; Destination 0000:8E00
seg000:7C9D call DecryptBytes ; 0x7dc7
seg000:7CA0 call word 0x8f14 ; Fourth stage...
seg000:7CA3 jmp jmp word 0x9010
seg000:7DC7 DecryptBytes proc near ; CODE XREF: seg000:7C9D
seg000:7DC7 push si
seg000:7DC8 xor eax, eax
seg000:7DCB DecryptByteLoop: ; CODE XREF: DecryptBytes+12
seg000:7DCB or cl, cl
seg000:7DCD jnz short loc_7DD1
seg000:7DCF pop si
seg000:7DD0 push si
seg000:7DD1 loc_7DD1: ; CODE XREF: DecryptBytes+6
seg000:7DD1 lodsw ; Load word at address DS:SI into AX
seg000:7DD2 rol ax, 1 ; Payload is obfuscated using a simple XOR cipher.
seg000:7DD4 xor [di], ax
seg000:7DD6 add di, 2
seg000:7DD9 loop DecryptByteLoop ; CX was originally 1300h
seg000:7DDB pop si
seg000:7DDC retn
seg000:7DDC DecryptBytes endp
To decrypt the payload for easier analysis dumped the memory using qemu, the third-stage.raw
file’s origin is 7C00h
, so the two absolute offsets needed within it are B400h - 7C00h
(14336 bytes) and 8E00h - 7C00h
(4608 bytes).
- one-time key XOR’d against code (14336 byte offset from 7C00)8E00h
- code to be revealed after the XOR (4608 byte offset from 7C00)
Looking at a hex dump of the memory at 8E00h
I see a familiar string, Amnesiac is the default name for FreeBSD systems and the WEV indicates it’s a FreeBSD disk label and/or MBR - but none of the standard magic strings match. Because it was hidden the disklabel didn’t show up when binwalk
was run against the laptop disk, is it possible that this data is the SGBEKERNEL.BIN
file which is shipped along side SGBEMBR.BIN
00000000 57 45 56 82 00 00 00 00 61 6d 6e 65 73 69 61 63 |WEV.....amnesiac|
00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
00000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 3f 00 00 00 |............?...|
Writing tools to extract data from files can take more time than just attaching GDB to Qemu to gain better control over exactly when you do memory dumps. By putting a hardware breakpoint at 7DDCh
the intermediate states and decrypted code can be saved.
(gdb) target remote | exec qemu-system-i386 -gdb stdio -monitor telnet:,server,nowait sda.raw
(gdb) hbreak *0x7DDC
(qemu) pmemsave 0x8E00 9728 stage4-8E00.raw
(qemu) pmemsave 0xB400 9728 stage4-B400.raw
A20 gate (Stage 4)
This stage is executed after being decrypted, then it ‘decrypts’ more stuff, but interestingly it also enables the A20 gate and jumps back for the next stage of the bootloader, the recurring pattern of decryption seems like the software developers either have an automated packing tool for these tiny bootloader segments, or it has been carefully engineered to be tedious to extract.
The previous stage of the bootloader makes more sense now:
seg000:7CA0 call word 0x8f14 ; Fourth stage...
seg000:7CA3 jmp jmp word 0x9010
seg000:8F14 FourthStageMain proc near
seg000:8F14 mov cx, 0B00h ; 2816 bytes
seg000:8F1A add di, 200h ; SI=B400h, DI=B600h
seg000:8F21 call DecryptBytes ; (8F5Fh)
seg000:8F24 mov bx, 9000h
seg000:8F27 mov si, [bx+0Ah] ; SI=0C50h
seg000:8F2A add si, bx ; SI=9C50h
seg000:8F2C mov di, 0A000h
seg000:8F2F mov cx, 0B400h
seg000:8F5B call EnableA20
seg000:8F5E retn
seg000:8F5E FourthStageMain endp
After decrypting 2816 bytes from 0:B400h
into 0:b600-0:C100h
the memory can be dumped for analysis, it then moves 12208 bytes from 0:CBFF
to 0:CFAFh
, then 5632 bytes from 0:B9B0h
to 0:B7B0h
, then zeroes out 12880 bytes at CDB0h
… at this point I’m not 100% sure why it’s moving two blocks over each other then zeroing out some bytes before enabling the A20 line…
(gdb) hbreak *0x8F24
(qemu) pmemsave 0xB600 0xB00 stage4-B600.raw
$ ndisasm -o 0xB600 stage4-B600.raw | less
Anyway, it produced good findings - the Sophos kernel loader:
Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved.
SafeGuard is a registered trademark of Sophos Limited and Sophos Group.
Sophos SafeGuard is starting.
Please wait ...
Upgrade to 32bit Protected Mode (Stage 5 - BTX)
Because of the moving about, decryption and loading that takes place it’s not trivial to trace exactly what was loaded from disk and where it went into memory, but the end of the fourth stage jumps to 0x9010
, this can be dumped with:
(gdb) hbreak *0x8F5E
(qemu) pmemsave 0x9000 0x1000 stage5-9000.raw
Mostly the code seems to be concerned with setting up the RTC, interrupts, IDT and GDT etc, as well as enabling protected mode (16bit), the jump to 8:90ECh
can be confusing, however because this happens immediately after the GDT has been setup what it’s effectively done is change CS
to 8h
while still being able to continue to the next instruction.
Using the Edit > Segments > Create Segment
menu in IDA we’re able to create a new 32bit segment starting at 90ECh
, without this IDA will not accurately decode the instructions as you see them in Bochs (or Qemu), with careful adjustment new segments can be created as you trace through the code.
seg000:90CD mov bx, 2820h
seg000:90D0 call setpic
seg000:90D3 lidt fword ptr ds:idt_data
seg000:90D8 lgdt fword ptr ds:gdt_data
seg000:90DD mov eax, cr0 ; Setup protected mode
seg000:90E0 or eax, 1
seg000:90E4 mov cr0, eax
seg000:90E7 jmp far ptr 8:90ECh ; Jump to 90ec
seg008:000090EC xor ecx, ecx
seg008:000090EE mov cl, 10h
seg008:000090F0 mov ss, ecx
At this point, and after having skimmed the FreeBSD Architecture Handbook it seems like this stages code is very similar to FreeBSDs btx.S
, having traced through the boot-up sequence this far I’m glad that I’ve reached familiar ground with well documented source code available, after comparing up the btx.S
assembly from various versions of FreeBSD it’s possible to see exactly what has been added by Sophos/Utimaco.
Notably one of the additional subroutes found in the Sophos bootloader at 952Ah
writes bytes to specific locations in memory:
- at
it writes 3 dwords:12345678h
- then at
it writes 8 words:6C43A683h
, 0h, 0h - then copies
(1536) bytes from0:0h
- the appends to it the dword at
/ 208) - then it appends the dword
- then it appends the dword
- then it appends
bytes from0:0h
- then it appends the dword
The result is 700h
bytes beginning at 0:1EA00000h
, which can be saved for later reference, I’m still not 100% sure what the added code is doing, but afterwards the 5th stage returns to 0:A000h
. While I could see the memory in the Bochs debugger, when I when attached to Qemu with GDB all I got were zeroes.
(bochs) hbreak *0x95C7
(bochs) writemem "stage5-1EA00000.raw" 0x1EA00000 0x700
BTX is interesting because it’s a tiny kernel which provides the bare minimum necessary for a 32bit protected mode ELF to be run. It consist of 5 small files: btx.S
, btxcsu.s,
btxv86.s and
In this case BTX loads an executable into A000h
(where 30000h
is the upper limit for how large it can be).
(bochs) writemem "stage5-A000.raw" 0xA000 0x26000
- .gdbinit for RE
- A20 - a pain from the past
- Mixed 16/32-bit code reversing using IDA
- The BTX Server
- LTR - Load Task Register
Disklabel Encryption Analysis in Boot2 (Stage 5)
In retrospect tracing through the boot sequence was an interesting pedagogical exercise, but the aim is to extract the boot filesystem and where disk data is read to etc. After more in-depth analysis of stage5-A000.raw
it shares the majority if its code with FreeBSDs boot2.c
which is easier to read than assembly, however there are some critical differences which required reverse engineering up until this point to discover.
By putting a breakpoint at AF77h
in load
we can get the inode number of the /boot/loader
file, in this case it’s 6EBh
, but what’s the offset of the filesystem on the disk? The drvread
function will be called twice to read the drive and FS superblocks, from which the LBA, the number of blocks being read and where they’re stored in memory can be determined. Working from this point the function and variable names from the boot2 source code could be matched up with their equivalent names in IDA as well as defining structures and types, making the added proprietary code stand out more.
Disk blocks/sectors are encrypted and the disklabel is obfuscated, I was able to determine that the cipher operated on 64bit blocks and used a 128bit key, as well as some magic numbers used for shifts etc. but the easiest two functions to identify eventually lead me to finding source code on Google which had very similarly structured routines and were part of IDEA, a 128bit block cipher.
In dskread
, where the disk metadata is loaded, it uses a simple XOR style cipher against the 20th sector to decode the BSD disklabel with the magic number 0x82564557
. Important sectors to remember:
- 1 - disk label, ‘obfuscated’
- 20 - XOR block for disk label
- 126 - contains decryption keys
- 128+ - encrypted data
Using only symmetric encryption with no external key source or any way of verifying the authenticity of the data the boot loader is loading it should be possible to run arbitrary programs in the FreeBSD environment, leaving users open to persistent and mostly undetectable malware.
Something to note is that after the decryption keys have been retrieved the encryption subkeys are wiped from memory so as to leave no trace in memory dumps, whoever wrote this code was deliberately attempting to hide the keys used, what remains to be seen is if these keys are used to encrypt the rest of the drive or if it’s just to hide the SafeGuard OS.
rdsts = drvread((char *)data, g_dsk.start + 1, 1u);// LABELSELECTOR
if ( !rdsts ) // If read was successful
{ // Read 'special' sector 20 into secbuf
drvread((char *)secbuf, g_dsk.start + 20, 1u);
j = 0;
do // Then 'decrypt' disklabel (1) against sector 20
rotchr = 2 * secbuf[j] | ((unsigned int)(signed __int16)secbuf[j] >> 31);
secbuf[j] = rotchr;
data[j++] ^= rotchr;
while ( j <= 255 );
if ( *(_DWORD *)data == 0x82564557 && *((_DWORD *)data + 0x21) == 0x82564557 )
{ // Do magic and magic2 indicate it's a valid disk sector?
// ...
g_crypto_nblk = part_nblk - 128; // Total number of encrypted sectors
crypto_lba_start = g_dsk.start + 128; // LBA of first encrypted sector
g_dsk.start += *((_DWORD *)d_partition + 38);
g_dsk.start -= *((_DWORD *)data + 46);
g_crypto_start_lba = (unsigned int)crypto_lba_start;
g_label_decrypted = 1; // Setup is only run once
if ( !drvread((char *)data, g_dsk.start + 126, 1u) )
{ // Then setup encryption using keys from disklabel
setup_decryption(i, encrypt_subkey, g_decrypt_key, (char *)data);
zerocnt = 0; // For some reason they don't want these keys in memory
do // Zero out the first 104 bytes...
*((_BYTE *)encrypt_subkey + zerocnt++) = 0;
while ( zerocnt <= 103 );
// ...
The decrypt_sectors
routine below uses the LBA as the IV to decrypt a sector in CBC mode as a series of 128bit blocks, I’m glad that, while they did leave the keys under the doormat they, are following best practice and not using ECB, as that would leave them open to all kinds of cryptanalysis attacks.
buf_2 = buf_1;
idx_IV = 0;
lba_IV[idx_IV++] = lba_1;
while ( idx_IV <= 3 );
v12 = 0;
IDEA_cipher((unsigned int)block_out, buf_2, (idea_block_t *)block_out, secretkey);
idx_1 = 0;
idx = idx_1;
chr = block_out[idx_1] ^ lba_IV[idx_1];
block_out[idx] = chr;
lba_IV[idx] = (*buf_2)[idx_1];
(*buf_2)[idx_1++] = chr;
block_out[idx] = 0;
while ( idx_1 <= 3 );
while ( v12 <= 63 );
buf_1 += 64;
But where exactly does the decryption key come from, and how can it be replicated so tools can be built to decrypt this type of filesystem? The setup_decryption
routine uses bytes from the decrypted disklabel as an additional parameter to the IDEA_cipher
function, deviating from the source code of the IDEA algorithm used as a reference.
One interesting feature of IDEA is that it has the two derived keys - the encrypt key and the decrypt key, making it a somewhat asynchronous block cipher. Technically I think it’s interesting that they’ve hard-coded the master key into the boot loader, then uses data from the disk to derive the decryption and encryption keys.
idx = 0x11; // Find offset of encryption key
offset = ((inout_buf[idx + 4] & 1) << 8) | ((inout_buf[idx + 3] & 3) << 6) | 16 * (inout_buf[idx + 2] & 3) | 4 * (inout_buf[idx + 1] & 3) | inout_buf[idx] & 3;
if ( (unsigned int)(offset - 1) <= 0x1EE )
while ( idx <= 0x1FB );
// Setup first master key
hardcoded_key = {0x6F4E, ..., 0x2173};
IDEA_encrypt_subkeys(hardcoded_key, master_encrypt_subkeys);
IDEA_decrypt_subkeys(master_encrypt_subkeys, master_decrypt_subkeys);
// Decrypt offset within sector, to get the disk master key in `outkey1`
bufptr = (idea_block_t *)&inout_buf[offset];
IDEA_cipher(bufptr, tmp_keys, master_decrypt_subkeys);
IDEA_cipher(bufptr + 1, (idea_block_t *)tmp_keys[1], master_decrypt_subkeys);
// Derive encrypt and decrypt keys
IDEA_encrypt_subkeys((idea_key_t *)tmp_keys, out_encryptkeys);
IDEA_decrypt_subkeys(out_encryptkeys, out_decryptkeys);
// Then it overwrites the intermediate keys with another one?...
hardcoded_key = {0x34DF, ..., 0x2795}; // Second hard-coded key
IDEA_encrypt_subkeys(hardcoded_key, master_encrypt_subkeys);
IDEA_decrypt_subkeys(master_encrypt_subkeys, master_decrypt_subkeys);
IDEA_cipher(bufptr, tmp_keys, master_decrypt_subkeys);
IDEA_cipher(bufptr + 1, (idea_block_t *)tmp_keys[1], master_decrypt_subkeys);
While it’s handy to have neatly decompiled source code ready to include in an application, it isn’t as immediately compleable or as well tested as the IDEA reference code, it should be very easy to create proof of concept code after extracting the decryption key from memory using one of the techniques used above.
Further Reading
- Sophos Safeguard Encryption
- NIST Windows 7 BitLocker Drive Encryption Security Policy
- The Art of Bootkit Development
- Can the NSA Break Microsoft’s BitLocker?