Kopimism, an Introduction to its Theology
I have been living as a Kopimist for the past 7 years, and realistically my ideology has been a reflection of its core values for a lot longer - although I may not have had a succinct label or the right word to describe exactly what my beliefs are.
But something which was troubling me, as I spent time researching UK and EU Intellectual Property and Copyright law, is coming to terms with and reconciling my beliefs in a grander perspective to strike a balance between living as a thoughtful and moral human being in light of the government de jure and the unflinching willingness of our legal systems to impose an abundance of regulations and policies which often do little more than encroach upon our civil liberties because they are so widely applicable and based solely on the fallible and temporarily limited abilities of those who enact and enforce controls in the name of pragmatic realism.
Firstly I would argue that the fundamental tenets of Kopimism predate all types technology, and even forms of religion, because they represent the de facto nature of life in the absence of sin, in short - Kopimism represents our understanding of divinity and the divine law, the intangible force that permeates and supersedes everything we could possibly hope to know or understand, from which everything else becomes possible.
Remixing vs Corruption
As we come to understand about divine law, the more salient our responsibilities become, we have been slowly progressing into an important time in the history of our shared causal lineage, a time of awakening and realization, where the implications of being able to interpret, replicate and propagate the true nature of reality take on a culturally significant and historically relevant meaning.
The difference between a manifestation of the divine - the ability of conceptual replication to cause the mechanics of the world we know to exist - and the coming of age of our species as a whole, is that we’re becoming better at taking things which exist and using them to construct new things; in some ways it could be seen as a transference of knowledge, the creative forces that resulted in our will to power are creating a force that can replicate its very essence, and for that I’m very grateful to be alive to experience this brief moment in time.
However, with copying comes corruption. The perfect force of replication alone cannot deviate from its origins, it cannot create anything which didn’t previously exist. Without the equal and opposing force of corruption we would have no potential, nor would everything else, there would be no causal force; instead there would be a stasis where neither good nor bad, or anything else, could ever happen. Through this duality the fundamental nature of our theology originates.
There are always unknowns, and as theologonauts we must continue to explore and use our creative wills to try and understand how this divine law can be interpreted and related to the lives we live now. With time, copying and remixing we will all gain a better understanding, and hopefully a deeper and more fulfilling meaning to our existence.
The Future of our Religion
I would greatly appreciate feedback, restructuring, remixing, copying, and preferably translation into all Scandanavian languages, because I believe I have helped to clarify what I understand are some of the underpinning concepts behind Kopimism that will help us bring legitimacy to an often ignored and marginalized religion.